Mrs Kemp
Inclusion Manager
Inclusion in schools seeks to ensure that ALL children, regardless of ability, have equal access to all areas of the curriculum and school life and that individual needs are met in order that children make good progress. Mrs Kemp is responsible for this important role. Please read the information below and contact her should you wish to discuss your child’s needs.
As Inclusion Manager, I am a member of the Senior Leadership Team. I’m also the designated member of staff for safeguarding at our school. Safeguarding includes Child Protection and everything else that helps to keep children safe.
I can be contacted via the main school office or by email:
St Margaret’s CE Primary School is an inclusive school which focuses on the well-being and progress of every child. Our aim is that all pupils achieve their full potential, personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally and that all children and their families feel they are successfully included in all areas of school life.
What does the Inclusion Manager do?
Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils but especially children with:
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Emotional, social and behavioural difficulties
- Disadvantaged backgrounds
- EAL (English as an Additional Language)
My role at St Margaret’s is to work with teachers and parents to support children who require additional help due to their assessed Special Educational Need or disability. This may relate to:
- Cognition and learning difficulties-understanding and remembering what they have learnt, concentration and focus.
- Communication and Interaction-speaking and listening skills
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health-behaviour and emotions
- Sensory and /or Physical-movement, fine and gross motor skills
We are also aware, that at any given time within any child’s life, they may be in need of extra emotional or behavioural support. There are lots of reasons why this may happen - for example,
- due to family changes
- bereavement of a family member
- an illness in the family
- children who have difficulty making friends etc