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Spring Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas time with your family and friends. What a fantastic term we have just had investigating our big question ‘What Do You Treasure?’ We learnt about lots of different art techniques and then even held our own art exhibition across the school!

Now, we look forward to a new year and a new term.

This booklet will give further details of all the subject areas that the children will be learning.

Spring Term Topic - Discover 

This term, we will be exploring the question ‘Can one person change the world?’  The children will think about how, in their own lives, they can make a difference. Then, we will move on to thinking about how significant individuals have made an impact. Specifically, we will be learning about Valentina Tereshkova and Mary Anning and thinking about why their lives was so significant. As part of learning about Mary Anning’s fossil discoveries, we will be learning about dinosaurs and their history.                                             

English Learning

This half term we will be:-

  • Writing sentences based on a variety of stories; These stories will be linked to the lives of the significant people we will be learning about in our Discover lessons
  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives based on these familiar stories
  • Learning to use capital letters correctly
  • Writing our own dinosaur adventures

Mathematical Learning

This term we are looking at:

Composition of numbers: 0 – 5

  • Numbers represent how many objects are in a group
  • Ordinal numbers indicate a single item or event
  • Each number from 1 to 5 can be partitioned in different ways
  • Each number from 1 to 5 can be partitioned in a systematic way
  • Each number from 1 to 5 can be partitioned into two parts; if we know one part, we can find the other.
  • The number before a given number is one less, the number after is one more
  • Partitioning can be represented using a bar model

Recognise, compose, decompose and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes

  • Compose pattern block images
  • Copy, extend and develop repeating patterns
  • Compose tangram images
  • Investigate ways that four cubes can be made into different 3D models
  • Explore, discuss and compare 3D shapes
  • Identify 2D shapes within 3D shapes
  • Explore, discuss and compare 3D shapes
  • Identify circles, triangles and rectangles and those that are not from cut out shapes

PSHE Learning

Our topic is safety and the changing body.

We are learning how to respond to adults in different situations; distinguishing appropriate and inappropriate physical contact; understanding what to do if lost and how to call the emergency services; identifying hazards in the home and people in the community who keep us safe.

Scientific Learning

Our topic this term is Animals including Humans. This half term we will be focussing on the human body by planning a Teddy Bear’s picnic.

We will learn to:

  • Identify, name and label the basic parts of the human body
  • Say which part of the body is associated with each sense
  • Investigate the best flavour of crisps for our picnic; the best material to sit on and the best music to listen to. We will be recapping our knowledge of seasons to find out the best time of year for a picnic and what kind of clothes to wear

Art Learning

Music Learning

This half term’s focus will be Exploring Sounds.

Music is made up of high and low sounds, long and short sounds, and loud and quiet sounds. We will explore these sounds and create our own very simple melodies.

The unit will also be linked to the Social Question: How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Faith and Wonder Learning

We will be looking at the topic of Gospel and learning that Christians believe that Jesus brings good news for all people. We will read stories from the Bible to see what Jesus was teaching people about God and the good news that God offers; peace, love, forgiveness and friendship.                                                                                   

Computing Learning

We will be learning about algorithms by writing our own instructions and debugging them.

PE Learning

In Outdoor PE will be learning bat and ball skills, beginning with how to hold a racket correctly.

In Indoor PE, our focus will be dance with an emphasis on learning individual moves to put together to create a dance to a piece of music.

How can you help?

  • Listen to your child read their reading book from school at least 5 times a week. Please make sure you write a short comment in their reading diary and check off on their homework sheet so that we can see this is happening at home. Your child can change their own book once they have read at home.
  • Complete the homework tasks that are provided each week.
  • Keep reading stories to your child to enrich their vocabulary and enjoyment of stories.
  • Keep visiting Numbots and work through the levels.

Events/Trips planned for this half term

  • Space day – further details to follow via Seesaw
  • Tuesday 11th February - Parents’ Evening (3:30-6pm)
  • Thursday 13th February - Parents’ Evening (4-7pm)
  • Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February – Half term
  • Phonics check meeting – further details to follow 

    Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.

If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our focuses, please let us know.

Class emails:

The Year 1 team