Spring Term 2
Hello! We hope you all had a lovely half term with your family and friends. This term is a busy one academically, whilst we try to keep a balance between working hard for the forthcoming SATs and enjoying the start of Spring. Currently the children are preparing for their SATs with practice papers.
We are continuing our Discover topic, the focus of which is World War Two. We are asking the question “Can freedom be achieved through war?” and discussing themes of freedom, prejudice and resilience.
This booklet will give further details of all the subject areas that the children will be learning.
Spring Term 2 Topic: Discover - Can freedom be achieved through war?
We will be learning about:
- Some of the key events of the World War Two, including why it started and how it ended;
- How the war impacted on the lives of children and adults in Britain;
- The pivotal role played by aircraft and pilots during the Battle of Britain;
- What it was like living under foreign occupation during the World War Two;
- Famous acts of heroism;
- Some of the consequences of World War Two for people living in Britain and abroad.
We will study a range of sources including written accounts, interviews, family stories, photographs, film footage, posters and artefacts.
English Learning
In English, we are continuing with our main text of Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We will be refining our planning, drafting, editing and publishing skills across a range of genres: story-writing, non-fiction, poetry and newspaper reports.
In our guided reading sessions we will be developing our comprehension skills through reading and analysing Holes by Louis Sachar.
Mathematical Learning
This half term we are learning about:
- Algebra
- Measurement, including area and volume and angles
- Geometry (2D and 3D shape)
- Statistics (tables, line graphs and pie charts)
PSHE Learning
Our topic is citizenship. We will be learning about human rights, food choices and the environment, caring for others, recognising discrimination, valuing diversity and national democracy.
French Learning
This half term we will be learning about La Date. We will be learning how to say the names of countries and languages in French, and developing the skill of gist-reading in a foreign language.
Scientific Learning
This half term our topic is classification. We will:
- Learn how living are grouped according to characteristics;
- Learn how taxonomists classify animals and plants into different groups;
- Investigate and record how mould develops in different conditions.
Music Learning
We will be learning wartime songs in preparation for our Tea Dance.
Faith and Wonder Learning
We will be looking at how Christians celebrate Easter, examining in detail at how events are described in the Biblical account and exploring the concept of salvation.
Computing/DT Learning
We will be continuing our focus on Bletchley Park and the role it played in World War Two. The children will be recording and editing a short audio drama. Our e-safety focus is learning about how to capture images of online communications.
PE Learning
During indoor sessions, we will be learning a range of dances popular during wartime. During outdoor sessions, we will continue playing a range of team games.
How can you help?
- Encouraging your child to continuing to read regularly for sustained period of time (at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week).
- Encourage your child to practise their maths learning through tasks on Sumdog.
- Supporting your child with learning their weekly spellings.
- Encouraging your child to complete homework tasks in their SATs revision booklets and to attend homework club if they need additional support.
Events/Trips planned for this half term
- World Book Day (Thursday 6th March).
- St Margaret’s Got Talent (Friday 14th March at 6pm)
Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.
If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about our topics, please let us know.
Class emails:
The Year 6 team