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Spring Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas time with your family and friends. We had a fantastic last term learning about optical illusions through our Create topic.

Now, we look forward to a new year and a new term: our discover topic focus is World War Two, in which we will be asking the question “Can freedom be achieved through war?” and discussing themes of freedom, prejudice and resilience.

This booklet will give further details of all the subject areas that the children will be learning.

Spring Term 1 Topic: Discover - Can freedom be achieved through war?

We will be learning about:

  • Some of the key events of the World War Two, including why it started and how it ended
  • How the war impacted on the lives of children and adults in Britain
  • The pivotal role played by aircraft and pilots during the Battle of Britain
  • What it was like living under foreign occupation during the World War Two
  • Some of the consequences of World War Two for people living in Britain and abroad

We will study a range of sources including written accounts, interviews, family stories, photographs, film footage, posters and artefacts.

English Learning

In English, our main text will be Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We will be refining our planning, drafting, editing and publishing skills across a range of genres: diaries, letters, story-writing, non-fiction and poetry.

In our guided reading sessions we will be developing our comprehension skills through reading and analysing Holes by Louis Sachar.

Mathematical Learning

This half term we are learning about:

  • Decimals and percentages, and linking this to our previous learning about fractions last term
  • Algebra
  • Measurement, including area and volume

PSHE Learning

Our topic is “Safety and the Changing Body”. This will include some basic First Aid knowledge: how to conduct a primary survey, how to help someone who is choking, how to place someone in the recovery position and how to give CPR.

French Learning

This half term we will be learning about objects found in the classroom.

Scientific Learning

This half term we will be continuing our topic of light. We will:

  • Learn about the structure of the eye and how we see
  • Discover how light travels
  • Observe how white light is composed of all the colours of the rainbow

Music Learning

We will be learning how to use chords to add harmony to our compositions. We will be looking at music and songs from World War 2.

Faith and Wonder Learning

We will be looking at Creation:

  • Creation and Science: conflicting or Complementary

Computing/DT Learning

We will be learning about how computers are used to encrypt communications online and how they have been used to crack codes, including during World War 2. Our e-safety focus is learning about our digital footprint and how to create a positive online reputation.

PE Learning

During indoor sessions, we will be learning a range of dances popular during wartime. During outdoor sessions, we will be developing a range of techniques for playing games of volleyball.  

How can you help?

  • Encouraging your child to continuing to read regularly for sustained period of time (at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week).
  • Encourage your child to practise their maths learning through tasks on Sumdog.
  • Supporting your child with learning their weekly spellings.
  • Encouraging your child to complete homework tasks in their SATs revision booklets and to attend homework club if they need additional support. 

Events/Trips planned for this half term 

  • SATs information meeting for Year 6 parents on Tuesday 28th January 2.15pm and Thursday 30th January 6.00pm.
  • Monday 10th February - St Margaret’s Got Talent auditions
  • Monday 10th February – Parents’ Evening (4.00 – 7pm) (Arundel Class only)
  • Tuesday 11th February - Parents’ Evening (3.30pm to 6pm) (Arundel and Bramber Class)
  • Wednesday 12th February – Music concert for Choir and invited performers (p.m. – time to be confirmed)
  • Thursday 13th February - Parents’ Evening (4pm to 7pm) (Bramber Class only)

Further dates and information may come out from the office throughout the half term.

We are always looking for volunteers to listen to children read and would welcome any support you can offer.

If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of the topics we are learning about then please get in touch.

If you have any queries please contact us at or

We look forward to working with you this term.       

The Year 6 team