Spring Term 1
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas time with your family and friends. We had a fantastic term learning about different styles of ‘Street Art’ and creating our own.
Now, we look forward to a new year and a new term. This term our Topic focus is looking at comparisons between Anglo-Saxon and ancient Islamic civilisations. Our Science lessons are based around Electricity. This booklet will give further details of all the subject areas that the children will be learning.
Spring Term Topic: Discover - Anglo Saxons and Ancient Islam
We will be learning about the ancient civilisations of the Anglo Saxons and Ancient Islam. This will include:
- To plot points of history on a timeline
- Finding out about who they were? Where they came from? How they lived?
- Comparing the similarities and differences between the two civilisations
- Focusing on key leaders and their influences
English Learning
This term we are starting a new and exciting text ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ by P.G Bell. We will be making predictions about the text, analysing the characters and writing descriptions of settings.
Mathematical Learning
This half term we are looking at:
- 7 times table – patterns and strategies for remembering the facts.
- Multiplying by 10, 100
- Commutative and distributive laws when multiplying
PSHE Learning
We will be learning about health and wellbeing, including talking about mental health and celebrating mistakes.
French Learning
This half term we will be learning about how to write and speak about our houses.
Scientific Learning
Our topic this half term will be ‘Electricity’. We will be learning to:
- Identify common appliances that run on electricity
- Construct a simple circuit and name the basic parts
- Recognise the role of a switch
- Recognise conductors and insulators
Music Learning
We will be starting to learn the ukulele with Mr Chalk from West Sussex Music Service.
Computing Learning
We will be learning the basics of scratch and be able to create simple scripts and understand what variables are.
PE Learning
During indoor sessions, we will be practising dance. During outdoor sessions, we will be learning the basic principles of hockey. We will be focusing on; passing and receiving, dribbling, moving past a player and shooting.
Faith and Wonder Learning
We are learning about Islam and focusing on the big question ‘How do Muslims show submission and obedience to Allah?’
How can you help?
- Continuing to read regularly at home to an adult, with lots of discussion about the books.
- Lots of regular times table testing and quick maths skills following the instructions indicated on the home learning sheets. The faster the response, the better!
- Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.
- All of this will be on the weekly home learning sheets.
Events/Trips planned for this half term
- Monday 10th February - St Margaret’s Got Talent auditions
- Tuesday 11th February - Parents’ Evening (3.30pm to 6pm)
- Wednesday 12th February – Music concert for Choir and invited performers (p.m. – time to be confirmed)
- Thursday 13th February - Parents’ Evening (4pm to 7pm)
Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.
Class emails:
The Year 4 team