Spring Term 2
We will continue to have a History focus for our ‘Discover’ topic. Our enquiry question continues to be ‘What does it mean to be free?’
We have our upcoming trip to Butser Farm where we will compare some of the experiences of those in the Stone Age and those who lived during the Roman times. We will continue to look at Ancient Civilisations including Ancient Egyptians and Roman Britain during this half term.
A large focus of ours this half term will be rehearsing and preparing for our Year 3/4 production of ‘Oliver with a Twist’ during the last week of term.
Spring Term 2 Topic: - Discover - Slavery - Ancient Egyptians, Roman Britain
We will be learning:
- To consider different time periods
- About whether those who lived during Ancient Egyptian times were free
- To question the reliability of historical sources
- To provide a rationale and use evidence to back up a theory we believe to be true
- To compare the life and livelihood of a pharaoh and Egyptian slave
- To consider whether Roman society has a similar structure to Ancient Egyptian times
- To question whether slavery is still present in this day, despite the abolition of the slave trade movement
Our project concepts this term are: power, empathy, freedom and equality.
English Learning
In English, we will be looking at a variety of different text types. We will learn:
- To prepare for, plan, draft, edit and publish a letter
- About the features of a newspaper
- How to write our own newspaper article
- About different styles of poetry and their features
- How to write our own poems
Mathematical Learning
This half term we are looking at:
- Using our knowledge of place value to correctly lay out column addition
- Adding using column addition
- Adding using column addition with regrouping in the ones and tens
- Using our knowledge of column addition to solve problems
- Consolidating and learning our 2, 4 and 8 times tables
PSHE Learning
Our unit this half term is Citizenship.
- We will be looking at the United Nations conventions concerning the Rights of the Child, while explaining the responsibilities adults have for supporting children’s rights
- We will be discussing the benefits of recycling
- We will be exploring how charities support the local community
- We will be describing how democracy works locally and how this affects us
French Learning
This half term we will be continuing to learn about how to say the names of different animals (Les Animaux) in French.
Scientific Learning
This half term we will be thinking about the Human Body and Healthy Eating.
- We will identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement
- We will learn that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food
- We will learn about the 5 different groups of foods needed for a balanced diet
Music Learning
We will be rehearsing and learning songs for our musical production of ‘Oliver with a Twist’.
Computing Learning
We will be looking at how to stay safe online, with a focus on the sharing of personal information. We will be learning how to write and send emails.
PE Learning
Indoor PE:
We will be continuing our dance unit. The Carnival of Animals unit teaches a variety of dance techniques, taking inspiration of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns.
Outdoor PE:
Badger Class – will be learning valuable basic first aid techniques, and working on team building games with Mr Mayne.
Otter class - will be looking at invasion games and how to attack and defend, while working as a team.
Faith and Wonder Learning
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?
We will be exploring answers to this question, while learning about how Christians show their beliefs about Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Children will be making connections to their work last year on Holy Week.
How can you help?
- Continuing to read regularly at home to an adult, with lots of discussion about the books.
- Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.
- Lots of regular times table testing and quick maths skills following the instructions indicated on the home learning sheets. The faster the response, the better!
- All of this will be on the weekly home learning sheets.
Events/Trips planned for this half term
- Thursday 6th March – World Book Day
- Friday 14th March – St Margaret’s Got Talent 6pm-8pm
- Wednesday 19th March – Butser Ancient Farm visit
- Wednesday 26th March – Easter Church Service at 10am
- Tuesday 1st April – Evening performance of ‘Oliver with a Twist’ to parents
- Wednesday 2nd April – Afternoon performance of ‘Oliver with a Twist’ to parents
- Friday 4th April – Last Day of Term
- Tuesday 22nd April – First day of Summer Term
Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.
If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our focuses, please let us know.
Class emails:-
The Year 3 team