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Spring Term 1

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas time with your family and friends. We had a fantastic autumn term with selling our poppies, our Kindness Carnival, our art exhibition, Little Big sing and our Christmas Nativity.

We learnt about key concepts such as kindness, equality, individuality and identity. We experimented with art skills such as manipulating 3D materials, printing techniques and creating digital media.

We have an equally exciting spring term with a drama workshop and a school trip to Arundel castle.

Spring 1 Term Topic: "Does good come after bad?"

This half term, we will become historians. We will analyse sources, discuss what has changed over time and think about whether the impact is good or bad.

We will be learning about two key events in history to help us with our big question: Great Fire of London and The Titanic. We will also be visiting Arundel Castle at the end of the term as a mini ‘local history’ topic.

We will think about how these events have impacted our lives today and what we have learnt as a result. For example, we now no longer build houses out of wood.

Our project concepts for this half term is responsibility.

English Learning

In English, we will:-

  • Look at how to use a range of vocabulary to enhance descriptive writing.
  • Use time adverbials at the beginings of sentences.
  • Continue practicing using fullstops, capital letters and finger spaces in their sentences.

We will then look at writing a diary inspired Samuel Pepys’ diary of the great fire of London and a diary entry from the perspective of someone on the Titanic.

We will learn:

  • About the features of a diary.
  • How to use informal language in their writing.

The use of commas for lists.

Mathematical Learning

This half term we are looking at:

Additon and subtraction of two-digit numbers:

  • Add and subtract one from any two-digit number
  • Use a part-part-whole model to represent addition and subtraction
  • Use number bonds to ten to add a single-digit number to a two-digit number
  • Use knowledge of ‘make ten’ to add a one-digit number to a two-digit number
  • Add and subtract ten to/from a two-digit number
  • Use number facts to add a multiple of ten to a two-digit number
  • Use number facts to subtract a multiple of ten from a two-digit number
  • Partition a two-digit number into parts in different ways (two and three parts)
  • Use knowledge of adding and subtracting multiples of ten to solve problems

Art Learning


PSHE Learning

We will be learning about safety and the changing body.

This includes the children learning about the difference between ‘secrets’ and 'surprises’ and what appropriate contact looks like.

Scientific Learning

Our topic this half term will be Materials.

  • We will learn about different materials and their use.
  • We will learn about solids and liquids.
  • We will be experimenting with strength and stretch of materials.
  • We will be learning about eco-friendly materials.

Music Learning

We will be learning the song ‘I want to play in a band’.

They will learn how to play, improvise and compose a appraise rock songs.

Faith and Wonder Learning

We are learning about Islam religion.

Our question is ‘How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful?

  • We will explore a range of stories important to Islam religion.
  • We will recognise and talk about the Bismillah, Fasting and Ramadan.
  • We will think about the times we have shown compassion.

Computing Learning

We will learn about what an algorithm is, follow an algorithm and create a clear and precise algorithm.

PE Learning

During indoor sessions, we will practise dance. Moving to music and practicing chorography and performing to our class. During outdoor sessions, we will be looking at throwing and catching.  Practicing a range of skills to apply to games.

How can you help?

  • Continuing to read regularly at home to an adult, with lots of discussion about the book.
  • Lots of regular quick maths skills following the instructions indicated on the home learning sheets. The faster the response, the better!
  • Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.
  • All of this will be on the weekly home learning sheets.

Dates to be aware of for this half term:

  • 3rd April 2025 – Arundel Castle Trip

    Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.


If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our focuses, please let us know.

Class emails:

The Year 2 team