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Autumn Term 2

Welcome back! In this busy half-term in the run-up to Christmas, the children are working hard to learn their words and practise the songs for our Nativity play: Simply the Nativity. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing at home to prepare the children for their performance.  We will also be attending and performing at the ‘Little Big Sing’ at East Preston School and hosting a ‘Kindness Carnival’ to end our Create topic.

Autumn 2 Term Topic: Create - "Is it better to stand out or fit in?"

This half term we are continuing our Create Topic. Last half term we focused on the skill of printing. This half term, we will be focusing on creating 3D art. We will:

  • Discuss how we can change our school for the better
  • Be real life craftivists by making and selling poppies inspired by the Angering Yarn Bombers
  • Plan and get everything ready for our Grand Finale- the Kindness Carnival

We will be learning to:

  • Manipulate malleable materials in a variety of ways
  • Understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools
  • Experiment with constructing and joining recycled, natural and manmade materials
  • Use simple 2-D shapes to create a 3-D form

English Learning

In English this half term, we will be focusing on fictional story writing. We will be reading the following stories:

  • The true story of the Three Little Pigs
  • The Magic Paintbrush

We will be orally retelling the stories using actions. We will place the key plot points on a story mountain and then we will write our own versions of the story.

We will end our topic with ‘Helicopter stories’- a chance for children to see their story being brought to life through role play.

Mathematical Learning

This half term we are looking at:

Addition and subtraction

  • Adding three addends (parts)
  • Tell ‘First, then and now’ stories and write the corresponding number equation
  • Add and subtract two numbers that bridge through 10
  • Compare numbers and calculate the difference
  • Fluently add and subtract within 10
  • Add and subtract from a 2-digit number, crossing the 10s boundary
  • Find 10 more and 10 less from a 2-digit number
  • Partition 2 digit numbers in a variety of ways using part whole models (two and three part)

Art Learning


PSHE Learning

We will be learning about ‘health and wellbeing’. We will understand the benefits of being active, how to look after their teeth and what a healthy diet looks like.

Scientific Learning

Our topic this half term will be Living things and their habitats.

We will be learning about:

  • Different habitats across the world
  • Antarctic animals and their characteristics
  • Recapping food chains

Music Learning

We are learning a Christmas song called ‘hohoho’ by Joana Mangona.

We will be practicing our Nativity songs each day to make sure we know it very well for our performance.

Faith and Wonder Learning

We will be learning about the Christian concept of incarnation and asking “Why Christmas matters to Christians.  We will learn about:

  • The events of the Christmas story
  • Why Jesus’ birth is special to Christians
  • How the events of the Nativity story demonstrates that Jesus is special

Computing Learning

When picturing a computer, thoughts are often of a screen, mouse and keyboard. This unit explores exactly what a computer is by identifying and learning how inputs and outputs work, how computers are used in the wider world and designing their own computerised invention.

PE Learning

In Outdoor PE, we are learning to throw, hit and catch balls and pass them with greater accuracy. We are developing our positioning and interception skills in small-group games.  We are continuing to take part in the ‘Daily Mile’.

How can you help?

  • Continuing to read regularly at home to an adult, with lots of discussion about the book.
  • Lots of regular times table testing for the 2, 5 and 10 timetables and recalling number bonds to 10.
  • Supporting your child with learning their spellings, discussing the meanings of words, putting them into sentences and reviewing spellings from previous weeks.

Dates to be aware of for this half term:

  • 14th November: Little Big Sing
  • 6th December: Kindness Carnival
  • 9th December: Church service
  • 13th December: Christmas fair
  • 16th December: Chartwells’ Christmas lunch
  • See Newsletter for Nativity performances.


Further dates and information may come out from the Office throughout the half term.

If you have any resources you are happy to loan to us or have any particular knowledge about any of our focuses, please let us know.


Thank you to those parents and relatives who volunteer to hear children read during the day in Cherry or Willow Class. If anybody else is able to volunteer, please speak to us.


Please come and see your class teacher if you have any queries. We are available at the end of the day after we have dismissed the class. Alternatively, you can contact us on Seesaw or via our class emails.

Class emails:

The Year 2 team