Please see our Senior Leadership Team, Teachers, Learning Support Assistants, Pastoral Team, Governors School Support Staff and Midday Meals Staff in the folders below
Mrs K Goater (Parent Governor)
My career began in a mainstream secondary school in South-West London, where I taught PE for 13 years. I was also a Year Leader during that time, and after having my children, I realised that I needed a new challenge. I moved into a primary setting for pupils with profound & multiple learning needs, teaching PE for a further 3 years, and reinforcing the knowledge that SEND education was the place for me. Since moving to West Sussex, I have worked in a number of schools for pupils with social, emotional & mental health needs, primarily as a class teacher, but also leading the 6th form within one setting.
I have two children now at St Margaret's, a son in Year 1, and a daughter in Reception. We essentially applied ‘blind’ as we were in the early stages of moving from London, and COVID restrictions were still in place, so it was a prospective-parents Zoom meeting with Mr Jee that sealed the deal!
I want every member of the St Margaret’s community to feel valued, confident and that they have a purpose within the school, whether that be the pupils, staff or parents/carers. We can only make progress when we work together, and every member of our school community has a role to play within that team.
I used to play rugby for Harlequins!